Our thoughts on the future of digital innovation and the cloud.
In this clip, Invero looks behind the scenes at how Microsoft Azure powers online retailers like ASOS, a leading fashion destination, in providing stellar customer service. By delivering massive scalability and globally consistent experiences, Azure helps ensure that the 12-million-plus ASOS customers can find and purchase what they need in record time.
How did ASOS, an online clothes store targeting twenties, manage year after year revenue increase of more than 30%? While providing excellent products and services is the obvious solution, it is just half of the tale. To become a major digital fashion destination with over 15.4 million consumers and a committed social media following, you must be more than a top-tier store. You must also give new apps and fresh, inclusive, and inspirational content to young, tech-savvy customers on a daily basis. To stay up with worldwide expansion and provide the greatest online experience possible, ASOS converted their e-commerce infrastructure to run in the cloud on Microsoft Azure.
ASOS intends to maintain the same quality of service as it develops globally, thanks to strong coordination between business and technical teams. “Microservices architecture on Azure is really about gaining the flexibility to divert resources to services that bring a competitive edge to the company,” says Strudwick. “We can react to changes in our global customer base. For example, if we expand our marketing spend in the US, we can simultaneously beef up services to support those new consumers. We can introduce new features and ramp up deployment wherever our customers are in the world.” (Source)
Let us show you how Azure can help you create and maintain happy customers too like we did with Aritzia.
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