/  Craig Slack

How to Get Started with Implementing Chat-based AI, like ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot?

Getting started with any new technology can be challenging, but something that is unlike anything that IT has ever implemented before, like chat-based AI tools is a whole new ballgame.  Companies are going to face many challenges, but before you face those do you even know where to get started?

When implementing chat-based AI, companies can follow these steps to ensure a successful implementation:

  • Define Objectives and Use Cases: Start by clearly defining your objectives and use cases for chat-based AI. Determine what specific business problems or customer interactions you want to address through chat automation. Identify areas where chat-based AI can bring the most value to your company, such as customer support, sales, lead generation, or product recommendations.
  • Identify Suitable Platforms or Solutions: Research and evaluate different chat-based AI platforms or solutions available in the market. ChatGPT isn’t the only option, although it is currently getting all the hype.  Consider factors such as features, scalability, ease of integration, customization options, and pricing. Look for solutions that align with your business requirements and provide the necessary functionality for your desired use cases.
  • Data Preparation: Chat-based AI systems require data to learn and improve their performance. Prepare and organize the relevant data for training the AI model. This may include customer interactions, support tickets, FAQs, product information, and other relevant content. Ensure that the data is clean, structured, and representative of the language and context used in your business.
  • Select and Train the AI Model: Choose the appropriate AI model for your chat-based AI implementation. This could be a pre-trained model like ChatGPT or a custom-trained model tailored to your specific needs. Train the model using your prepared data, considering the nuances and specific requirements of your use cases. Fine-tune the model iteratively to improve its performance and accuracy.
  • Design Conversational Flows: Create conversational flows or dialogues that align with your business goals and use cases. Determine how the chat-based AI system should respond to different user inputs and intents. Design an intuitive and user-friendly conversational interface that guides users through the interaction smoothly.
  • Integration and Deployment: Integrate the chat-based AI solution into your existing systems or platforms. This could involve integrating it into your website, mobile app, or messaging channels such as live chat or social media platforms. Ensure seamless integration and compatibility with your existing infrastructure and technologies.
  • Test and Iterate: Thoroughly test the chat-based AI system before deploying it to customers. Conduct functional testing to ensure proper responses, handle different scenarios, and address potential edge cases. Gather feedback from users and iterate on the system based on their input and the performance metrics you set.
  • Monitor and Improve: Once deployed, continuously monitor the performance of the chat-based AI system. Track key metrics such as response times, accuracy, customer satisfaction, and conversion rates. Gather user feedback and use it to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Regularly update and retrain the AI model to incorporate new data and insights.
  • Provide Human Oversight: While chat-based AI can automate many interactions, it’s important to have human oversight and intervention when necessary. Monitor customer interactions to ensure the AI system is providing accurate and satisfactory responses. Have a mechanism in place for transferring complex or sensitive queries to human agents when needed.
  • Iterate and Expand: As you gain insights and experience with chat-based AI, iterate and expand its usage across different areas of your business. Explore additional use cases or expand the functionality of the system to address evolving customer needs. Continuously innovate and refine your chat-based AI implementation to stay ahead of the competition.

Remember that implementing chat-based AI is an ongoing process. Stay updated with the latest advancements in AI technology, customer preferences, and industry best practices to optimize your chat-based AI solution over time.

If you need help getting started, Invero is here to help. Use the contact form below to reach out to one of our specialists.